If you or a fellow member could use crisis-related financial assistance, please download the PDF below, fill out the form, and email it to us. You may also submit a hard copy to our physical address.
If it is an immediate need, the request will be processed within 24-48 hours. If the request can wait, it will be processed at the next monthly meeting (first Tuesday of the month). Our board reviews each request and so long as the request is in line with our mission and purpose, the board grants the request and delivers the funds in the form of a check. If you or someone you know would like to make a tax-deductible donation beyond that of what is included in your union dues, please contact the Local 1660 Union office
We encourage you to submit your request to our board. Charged with responsibly of managing the fund, the board members review each request and determine if the request meets the intent of the fund. If approved, the board will issue a check to the person requesting financial assistance as soon as is reasonably prudent.